Frequently asked questions

With great value comes some learning curve

What’s an Ed’s Card?

You’ve made the first correct step towards savings by coming to Ed’s but don’t have an Ed’s card.

The Ed’s card is your annual membership to the Gas Club which we guarantee will make you happy within the month you get it or its the easiest refund you’ll ever experience. Pop into the office during open office hours (8am - 5pm) for your card!

Well, the office is closed…

All good, you can use this opportunity to swipe the Community Charity card hanging on the side of the card lock to give back to the Revelstoke community and feel better about coming back during office hours to start giving back to your Household.

What is the Community Charity Card?

Great question! You may be feeling generous (or forgot your card) and so is Ed so swipe this card and Ed will donate 8 cents/litre to a local charity or event. Check in on Ed’s Facebook to see where and how the money goes!

I have too much money and don’t care about saving money or joining the Club, can I just pay and go?

Well, you can turn down the attitude first but you can easily just insert your payment card and be on your way. The only additional cost to this option is that Ed sheds one tear.

My card expired and I didn’t realize till I got to the pump, what now?

Ed is working hard to join the 21st century and incorporate online renewals soon. In the meantime, however, you can pop into the office during regular business hours and Ed would be happy to assist you with a quick renewal. If the office is closed, we recommend utilizing the Community Charity card and learning from your mistakes.